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Biltong & Beer

Biltong & Beer garden

Logo design

Brand style guide summary

B&B Style Guide Poster Mockup

The challenge

Brand Identity Development

As a new startup business in Tasmania, Biltong & Beer needed us to step in and assist them with establishing a brand identity and all visual content for their business. Being primarily built around an international delicacy, our challenge was clear - market a product many people don't know much about.

The solution

The Logo

We quickly got started on identifying how to best represent the Biltong aspect of the business.

What is biltong? Biltong, a South African classic, is a high-protein, low-carb snack made from dried meat, salt, vinegar, and spices. It's similar to jerky but with different production methods and flavours.

This led to us creating a logo that integrated the 2 fundamental aspects of the business into the typography, cleverly playing with shape and colour.

Biltong & Beer Standard Logo designed by Dot Design Studio
B&B Uniform

The results

Custom branding content

Customers and stakeholders are now recognising the new branding and internally the company has taken a consistent approach to the use of its assets, which has resulted in increased brand trust, social media interactions and conversion rates.

Like what you see? 

Shoot me a message to discuss your business needs.